Tuesday, 23 January 2007

After the flood

Remember the flood I suffered at home just before xmas? I thought not. I barely do myself. But I have lived for the last five weeks with no carpets, and for the past two weeks with furniture all over the house. Anyway, today the carpet fitters came to place (as it were) the last piece of the jigsaw and give us our house back. While they did, I managed to get my hair cut and do a Big Shop at the supermarket.

What a difference a carpet makes to a room! Or two rooms in our case. Wonderful. There was much frantic shifting of furniture, and then I left it all to Jackie so I could focus on completing the papers for the 1 February trustees’ meeting. All done now bar a few final references: at long last!

By 11:00 I was relaxing with Samuel Butler’s extraordinary 1872 novel Erewhon, which seems to have one foot in Jonathan Swift's 18th Century and the other in H G Wells's 20th Century.