Sunday, 14 January 2007

Dad seems to have made a very rapid recovery. His bruises are much reduced and he is much less confused. His fingers don’t look so puffy and his eyes have a bit of the old sparkle back. He can talk lucidly for long periods.

After his lunch, a nurse asked him if he wanted a slice of Lemon Gateau: “That would be very nice, thank you.”

The nurse then asked suspiciously: “You’re not allergic to nuts are you?”

Dad looked surprised and assured her that he wasn’t. After she had left, he said with a twinkle, “She didn’t ask if I was allergic to Lemon Gateau.”

Of course it is lovely to see him back on form. But the danger now is that Mum will think she can cope and will turn down all offers of help. I spoke with Mum to try and strengthen her resolve. I think it worked. Then she reminded me that in the drama of the previous day I had forgotten my neice's eighteenth birthday. How could I? Poor Abi. I felt so ashamed and did what I could to make amends. Of course the lovely Abi had not even missed a card from another greying uncle.

In the evening, for our newly decorated living room I finished fixing a new curtain rail and a dimmer switch (very fashionable in the 1980s, I think). Jackie was unreasonably delighted with new curtain rail and had soon hung our new curtains.