Thursday, 14 June 2007

In the morning I wrote to HCC about yesterday’s Compact meeting; hopefully a way forward will be agreed soon. I also discussed Compact issues with several colleagues, talked to Vanessa about WCVS representation on a WBC steering group, made more progress on a WCVS services brochure, and responded to a Herts PCT request that I chair a public meeting on the future of hospital and clinical services in Hertfordshire.

Mostly, I worked on our BASIS application. There is still a lot of work to do and time is getting short.

I finally left the office about 7:00 pm and visited my Vice Chair Althea MacLean OBE to get some cheques countersigned. From Althea’s I dropped by for a meeting with our auditor. Our audit papers were originally collected on Tuesday, 5 June. Then yesterday I got the message that the accounts backup file was corrupt and so work hasn’t begun yet. I sent another backup (which was fine) and this evening met Gary Howard and talked through the audit timetable. Gary is away all next week so realistically work proper wont now start until 25 June. Rather than respond to queries myself and collate any additional information required, I intend to save up any queries and pass these to Stella when she starts work on 2 July. This will make things very tight for our trustees meeting on 19 July but it still ought to be possible to present draft accounts. Far more importantly, it will allow me to concentrate far better on the BASIS application!