Sunday, 4 January 2009

In the morning, my attention was drawn by recent statements from two of our religious leaders. First of all, John Sentamu the Archbishop of York has said that we should see the current financial crisis as an opportunity to rethink our values. He is right. In an economy facing financial bankruptcy, the government’s drive for ever-greater borrowing to feed instant gratification is morally bankrupt. Before John Sentamu’s sage remarks, the Pope has declared that “saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour” is as important as saving the world from global warming. These two statements usefully illustrate the two sides of religion.

I tried to spend today resting and nursing my squished fingers. But it was too great an effort and instead I spent most of the evening easing my way back into work by reviewing calendar commitments and preparing some thoughts on the re-draft of our Community Development Strategy.

I also have to consider some funding issues. The Compact is now ten years old. We have three statutory funding streams (funding seven members of staff) that end at the end of March 2009. With less than three months to go, how many have been renewed? None.