Saturday, 3 January 2009


Jackie and I planned a quick trip into town and parked in her staff car-park. I don’t know what possessed me to put my fingers in the jam of the car’s rear door, nor why I then asked Jackie to close the door for me. A remember very clearly a searing agonising pain. I couldn’t reach the door handle to release myself and for a moment Jackie didn’t know what I had done - I remember that my fingers looked absolutely crushed as in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. As soon as I was released, I grasped my fingers and swore loudly and longly. Just then, two of Jackie’s colleagues appeared and must have thought that I had lost my mind – which I suppose I had.

Poor Jackie was shaken too but she had to drive me to A&E where the nurse warned of broken fingers and lost finger nails. I was x-rayed and checked and 2-3 hours later we were back home and the pain had substantially gone. We were certainly shaken a little, but otherwise were none the worse for our ordeal. It is surprising how well the human body (even mine) can recover from horrible ordeals.