Tuesday, 14 August 2007

I spent the morning sorting out a new design for Watford CVS’s e-newsletter. And then I spent a long time trying to sort out our testing of Microsoft’s CRM software. According to a Microsoft engineer in Taiwan, it seems that our installation difficulties may arise because of a conflict within SQL 2005. To avoid the need to reinstall SQL on our server, our IT chap agreed to set up a test area on his server.

At 1:00 pm I went to Cassio Lodge for a meeting of the One Watford LSP. It was a very full agenda, and we finally seem to be addressing some of the big issues.

Returning to the office around 4:00 pm, I spent the remainder of the day preparing our AGM mailing: agenda, speakers, and nomination papers for the trustee board. It is now all ready for distribution apart from the actual audit, which should be ready any day now. I hope.

Today was Bobby’s birthday. I arrived home about 7:00 pm and Jackie had prepared a great meal for us all. Lovely.

Sadly, Tottenham spoiled the party by losing 1-3 to Everton. Have they no sense of occasion?