Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Very busy

I spent the morning dealing with HIC papers for tomorrow’s meeting and then focused on our Basis bid.

At lunchtime I met with Jay Gaglani, Chair of the Watford One World Forum and discussed possible events / activities that Forum members can undertake together. We first targeted Watford Palace Theatre’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream which looks as if it might be really good. Unfortunately the production is only on for one week – this is the week in which Ramadan starts and Jay and I are both concerned to engage members of the Muslim community in the outing. Amy at the Theatre’s box office makes things even more enticing by offering us 50 tickets on “sale or return” for £9 each instead of the usual £15. We are very tempted but decide that Jay should first talk his Vice Chair Zamir Shah to gauge how the Muslim community might perceive this.

In the afternoon, I spent several hours reviewing our second stage Basis bid with Anne and Vanessa who have done some great work. But there is still lots to do. I also downloaded evaluation software from SmartDraw that claims to produce the Gantt Charts that we need for the Basis bid. And I wrote to WBC about utility charges at 149 The Parade. And I wrote a brief note on WBC’s plans to change the way they award discretionary rates relief. And I spoke with our auditors to reschedule our audit timetable. And I sent out a note to our trustees about next week’s trustees meeting.

I arrived home late and tired.