Sunday, 11 March 2007

Another clear and sunny morning. Spring is here, and Jackie and I finally got to spend a day in the garden.

Between us, we swept and raked, trimmed all the firs, cut back our buddleia, sawed up the tree I felled last autumn, dead-headed the hydrangea and mowed the lawn. It still needs lots of work, but it looks so much better.

By the end of the day, we were both stiff and sore and we each enjoyed a long hot bath.

Latest reading

I finished reading Conquest without Victory about anti-Nazi resistance in Greece and France. This is interesting for the virulence of the writer's opposition to the Greek Communist Resistance, who he regarded as worse than the Nazis. He is more favourable to the French Communists. Throughout, he is also stridently pro-Catholic and anti-Protestant. All in all a very curious book.