Friday, 18 May 2007

This morning I had one meeting with an established local group looking to register as a charity. Sometimes, groups emerge naturally from activities that people undertake and then at some stage it becomes necessary or helpful to formalise things. And then the group exceeds the Charity Commission's registration threshold and so has to register with the Charity Commission. This is the natural order of things.

Then I had another meeting with some people who want to set up a new charity. Of course there are situations where the natural order has to be circumvented in some way. But it concerns me when people want to register a new charity to work with vulnerable people when they have no work experience in that area, no clear idea of what activities they want to undertake and have no clear purpose or goal in mind. But they very much want advice on how to raise funds. I gave what advice I could, and hope it is followed.

Mostly I devoted the day to getting our accounts up to date as it’s now six weeks since Sue left and three weeks since Priti left.

I finally left the office around 7:00 pm, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend at home with Jackie.