Wednesday, 9 May 2007

This morning’s re-entry to the office was quite painless. I spent most of the morning with Helen talking through Watford’s voluntering targets and preparing for tomorrow’s meeting of the local Voluntary Sector Alliance. We also drafted a paper for next week’s One Watford meeting.

I had arranged other representation for this morning’s meeting of the Herts BME Partnership, and I had sent my apologies to the Sunflower Board in order to attend a meeting to discuss Community Development with Sarah Pinnock and Kathryn Robson of WBC and consultants from Community Matters. This turned out to be an excellent choice as the meeting was very useful and we made great progress, also discussing accommodation issues and the specific needs of groups in West Watford.

Leaving the meeting, I encountered heavy rain - the first time I have been wetted for several months, and not an unpleasant experience. I left the office shortly after 6:00 keen to rest.