Monday, 9 February 2009

Our networking lunch at the Holy Rood Parish Centre went well. Angelo, Sha-Lee and I each spoke on the site and about how groups can use it. Other staff attending gave excellent support. Now we just have to work like blazes to make sure we can fulfil people’s expectations!

After the lunch, I had a good meeting with Sarah Pinnock. I also agreed to be the voluntary sector representative on the new Hertfordshire Forward strategic planning group on community cohesion. I do not feel entirely comfortable about this as we need far more transparency and accountability about these representational roles. I agreed to do it on a temporary basis while the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Consortium gets itself organised for a concerted attempt to rationalise and clarify representation in the county.

I worked at the office until late preparing papers for this week’s trustees’ meeting. By the time I left Watford, torrential rain was falling – not sweet warm tropical rain, but icy-cold winter rain. It was cold and dark, I was tired and it was pouring with rain. Naturally, my car suffered a puncture thanks to a large invisible rain-filled pothole in the road works on the A414. It is impossible to put into words just how much I loathe cars.