Thursday, 21 February 2008

After further great input from Vanessa, I have finally sent off our initial submission for the NAVCA quality standard. I know we have more work to do before we meet the standard, so this is just another stage in the process. Our Action Plan already identifies several big projects so there is plenty more work to do and we must be patient.

In the evening, WCVS trustees gathered for their quarterly meeting.

During the meeting, WCVS agreed its 2008-09 budget including looked at the BASIS implementation, signed up for One Watford “Green Business Pledge”, reaffirmed its commitment to Fair Trade, decided on its 2008-09 membership system, discussed the NAVCA quality application, agreed some staffing changes, committed itself to a Board Review process, and co-opted two new members: Mir Ejaz of the Watford Muslim Community Project and Marv Renshaw of Inspiral Arts.

Pam Handley delivered another masterclass in chairing: making people feel welcome, including everyone in discussions, discussing all agenda items, and still closing the meeting within two hours. I run out of superlatives to describe my trustees.