This morning I had an eerily quiet drive into Watford - I suppose many people are taking time off work after the Easter weekend. I arrived pleasantly early and spent most of the morning finalising and forwarding Staff Reviews for signature.
Ahead of tomorrow’s important Herts Forward meeting, Ann Jansz (of Stevenage CVS - the voluntary sector representative on Herts Forward) is canvassing views on the distribution of LAA2 reward monies. Half of the monies will stay at County level, and the other half will be distributed equally to the ten District LSPs. But how will the monies actually be spent?
Ann is a model representative and is always canvassing views to inform her role and help us engage in debates. Not to disappoint her, I responded with my view that at least some of the monies should be put into endowment to provide long-term sustainable funding for the local voluntary sector. I also suggested that maybe the County could offer an “endowment challenge” to the District LSPs. I won’t hold my breath.
On our Microsoft CRM installation, Sha-Lee and I are making slow progress. I ordered some books from Amazon to help focus our efforts and they should arrive tomorrow.
We also accepted delivery of new monitors and I got a few of these set up, and then I had a further PC to join to the network and configure, and arrangements had to be made about our forthcoming networking lunches, and I had a discussion or two on voluntary sector training, and then got some printing quotes for our year end mailing. It's good to be back!