Most of today I devoted to clearing things out of the way before the extended weekend break: new hygiene services at our offices, Watford Compact, planning a meeting for a Community Arts Network, planning a CEO network, PTLLs training, correspondence with the National Lottery and a draft response to a PCT paper on integrated transport.
There is more trouble in Tibet as China’s appalling record on human rights is again exposed to the world’s scrutiny. But given that the world’s economy depends so heavily on China, I suspect that the West’s politicians will have trouble standing up to China on this one; instead they will hope that the demonstrations subside as quickly as possible.
In the evening I watched Those Glory Glory Days - a 1983 film set in 1961 about a pre-pubescent girl’s infatuation with Spurs. I was interested to note that Watford’s Westfield School was thanked in the credits.