Jackie and I woke at 7:15 to find outside a steady fall of snow. Within a short space of time we were dressed, begloved, bescarfed, behatted and bebooted. We took a walk out along the Mimram, beneath the viaduct and back past Digswell Lake. And of course we had a snowball fight. Absolutely beautiful and magical. After a warming drink back home we devoted the rest of the day to delivering chocolate eggs to relatives.
Catholic Church leaders are again whipping up a storm over the latest Embryology Bill. It was good to see some such as Evan Harris MP standing up to this.
In the evening, Jackie and I ate the meal we prepared last night. Very tasty.
Recent reading
Today, I finished reading Bevis Hillier's masterful biography Young Betjeman - a fascinating and comprehensive insight into the poet and his 1920s youth.
I also read the off-beat Aberystwyth Mon Amour by Malcolm Pryce - one of the diverting Louie Knight stories.