I arrived at work early and checked over our network which thankfully seems to be back to normal bar a few outstanding problems over our accounts package and the volunteering database.
In the morning I had a brief meeting on the Watford Disability Forum with its Chair Leigh Hutchings and with Vanessa (Development and Training Officer), Anne (Funding Advisor).
In the afternoon, I attended the first meeting of the new / revamped Watford and Three Rivers Health Partnership Forum. This was well attended and Peter Wright of the PTC did an excellent job setting out a framework and working method. I had again to focus on how the local voluntary sector can best engage with this forum and have its voice heard.
Back in the office, I had to copy over files to the new domain, start catching up on my e-mail correspondence, and collate our latest submissions to our Grants Officer at the Big Lottery and papers to NAVCA about our Quality Assurance programme. I eventually left the office about 9:00.