Today I spent in Letchworth reviewing all ten plans that have been prepared to support the Development Plan for voluntary sector support in Hertfordshire. These were:
- my own two on Training and on IT and Communications;
- Funding Advice from the Funding Advisors’ network;
- Sustainable Funding and Raising the Profile from David Fitzpatrick of the Hertfordshire Community Foundation;
- Supporting Small Groups from Ian Richardson of East Herts and Broxbourne CVS;
- Sustainability from Kate Belinis at Herts CDA;
- Equalities from Moreen Pascal late of MENTER;
- Volunteering from Julie Street of Volunteering Herts;
- and Quality Assurance and Developing the Consortium from Steph.
I was very impressed that we had all managed to complete something. I think we were all impressed. All need some work. Some of them need quite a bit of work. But all lay out a clear direction.