Between toothache and the HIC Training Strategy, I had rather a disturbed night last night.
This morning I was back in the office attending a series of meetings. First I met with Marv Renshaw to discuss Inspiral Arts and the Scenery Store. Then I met with Mike Smith (new CEO at the New Hope Trust) who seems a thoroughly decent sort of chap. Among other things, we discussed the possibility of setting up an informal CEO network in Watford.
Later still I met with Kim Bloomfield of WBC for our half-yearly monitoring meeting, and then again with Marv Renshaw.
Within and around all this I continued to work on the HIC training strategy. Finally at about 7:00 I was able to mail a draft to a few select colleagues for comments. A bit unfair of me as it only allows 36 hours for people to respond, but then we are working to tight deadlines.