I travelled to Watford and my working day began with news that we had been successful in our tender to HCC to provide an advocacy service. Strategically, it is good for CVS’s to be leading the way on voluntary sector delivery of public services. And the advocacy scheme will fit well alongside our existing Connexions services. But this morning I had other things on my mind.
Foremost in my mind was the is the afternoon deadline for submission of two strategies to HIC: one on meeting voluntary sector training needs in Hertfordshire, and the other on delivering a step change in the sector’s engagement with IT.
I had already completed a first draft of the training proposal. It wasn’t perfect and there were a few omissions (of SKILd, TPAS and the possible new Skills Development Agency for the voluntary sector) but I was pretty pleased with it. Shortly after 3:00 I had knocked this into a final version and forwarded it to Steph - HIC’s development worker who is having to co-ordinate all this.
Steph and I then agreed that I could deliver up the IT proposal on Monday.
Back home, Jackie had been to the hospital to be fitted with a heart monitor to record her palpitations. Poor thing. We tried to sustain an interest in BBC's annual Children In Need evening.