I had some interesting discussions this morning. First, I confirmed with Mir Ejaz and Marv Renshaw that they would attend our next trustees meeting. Then I took a call from a small local charity that needed help with a delicate legal matter involving mental health, the DDA, homelessness and tenancy. All very complex. Needless to say, the charity involved aren’t CVS members.
In the afternoon I met with Sarah Elliott, the new development worker for the new Hertfordshire VCS Training Consortium. Also present were Mary Green (my serene counterpart from Three Rivers CVS) and Vanessa Levy (our own Development and Training Officer). We had a very helpful talk about possible future scenarios for the training consortium. At present, the consortium is a compromise between the LSC’s willingness to fund the creation of a county-wide third sector consortium to deliver training to the public, and the voluntary sector’s aspiration to find funding to meet its own training needs.
After this, I worked on the IT and Training strategies for the HIC development plan. Later, as I was leaving the office, Maria reminded me that I needed to draft out a letter to accompany Watford's 2008 Community Directory being mailed tomorrow to 400 voluntary organisations. Between gritted teeth I turned my computer back on and pounded out a letter, leaving Maria to supervise the printing.