Monday, 8 June 2009

Today, I spoke with Helen and Sha-Lee about the outcome of last Friday’s meeting. You can tell a lot about someone's character by working alongside them for three years; you learn just about everything about someone's character when you have to tell them they are being made redundant. Neither Helen or Sha-Lee are lacking in character or professionalism. Perhaps rather patronisingly, I felt hugely proud of them both and renewed horror at facing the future without them.

I also met with the local Community Sports Network and with Nasar Iqbal, the Muslim Youth Worker recently appointed by Watford Borough Council. Nasar explained his role and his immediate plans.

I also learned that Pam Handley, my Chair of Trustees, is in hospital receiving treatment and may be there some time. Speaking professionally, I lean a lot on Pam’s knowledge and wisdom and calm; being deprived of these is quite a blow. Personally, I hold Pam in very high regard and hope that she recovers soon to return to her family and her friends.