Our relocation to the Holywell Community Centre is still far from certain. To move things further forward, I spent today at the Centre and spoke with representatives of the Bowls Club, Watford Asian Community Care, and the Watford African Caribbean Association. I heard some concerns about the future, but nothing that can’t be overcome by a little flexibility.
After 5:00, I met with Mir and Khalil at the Watford Muslim Community Project to discuss many matters of mutual interest including the Health Partnership, the Herts BME Partnership and the Watford Community Assembly. We also had a curious discussion about the title of their organisation. They do not cater only for Muslims, but provide a service for all of the population of West Watford. The point in question: does the word “Muslim” in their title deter some funders or deter non-Muslims from accessing their services? Possibly, yes. But the same could be said of the “C” in YMCA; I wonder if they have the same discussion?
Later, I spent another long night huddled over our bid to the CEHR on behalf of the Herts BME Partnership.