Today I met with Watford CVS's Personnel and Remuneration committee. This group had been charged by the trustees with taking final decisions on redundancies, subject to appeal etc. Phil Willerton hosted the meeting at the YMCA and we were joined by Ian Stageman and John Casstles, our Treasurer. As you might imagine, the meeting was very sombre and business-like. The decision was really unavoidable: we have a large hole in our budget and only two posts that aren’t properly funded. With considerable anguish, but no undue theatricals, the decision was taken to issue redundancy notices to Helen Price (our Volunteer Centre co-ordinator) and to Sha-Lee Worrell-Miller (our Information Worker). Naturally, it is down to me to negotiate the final redundancy terms and in due course re-organise the office to minimise the impact on our services. I know the decision is unavoidable and necessary, but that doesn't make it pleasant. Helen and Sha-Lee are both positive, professional and popular colleagues. Quite apart from the personal costs of redundancy, Watford CVS will never replace their knowledge and experience. Watford and Watford CVS will be much poorer without them.