Although things are moving in a very good direction, there is still much work to do on the future of the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Consortium and today I visited the Hertfordshire Community Foundation for a meeting on options. Afterwards, I met with two of my trustees (thank you Althea and Leslie) to discuss the future of the Watford One World forum and the Herts BME Partnership. And then I visited Watford African Caribbean Association to discuss Grassroots funding, Watford LIVE! and the Watford Assembly.
I arrived at the office in the afternoon and found a package addressed to me from the “ICT Champions”. Opening the package, I found a set of around 70 postcards each bearing some ICT guidance. It was entitled “ICT answers in a box”. I know this is well-intentioned and I know that some groups will find it useful, but ... perhaps I am just tired after working for 30 out of the last 36 hours.