9:30 at Watford CVS: Watford LIVE! meeting looking at remaining costs and needs for next months community arts festival.
11:00 at Watford CVS: Meeting with Kim Bloomfield of WBC on WBC’s new three year SLA commissioning programme.
1:00 at Apsley: Meeting with Pam Handley and Phil Willerton to draft a letter to WBC re: our possible relocation to the Holywell Community Centre.
2:00 at Apsley: Meeting with the Integrated Practice Forum at which Phil Willerton and I talk about the voluntary sector’s organisation and engagement with the Watford District Children’s Panel.
3:30 at Watford CVS: Management meeting with Hema Devlukia and Alan Felt on the Herts BME Advocacy Service.
4:00 at Watford CVS: Meeting with Anne Boyd on Grassroots Grants and fundraising for Watford CVS.
5:00 at Watford CVS: Meeting with Helen Price about the future of the Volunteer Centre.
Despite this flurry of meetings, today's really good news is that the odious toad Michael Martin has announced his retirement as Speaker of the House of Commons. How he has tarnished the role adn the institution he was supposed to protect. It saddens me that he has "announced his retirement": he has not been kicked out and he will still get a handsome pension and almost certainly (after a decent interval) a seat in the House of Lords. After everything, and above all else, the corrupt House of Commons still looks after its own. In my view, the self-serving grasping graceless fool of a Speaker has dragged Parliament into the gutter and deserves a long stay in the Tower. I'm glad I got that off my chest.