My first meeting this morning was with Everton Blake, CEO at Voluntary Action Luton. It is always so useful to meet up with someone from another CVS and exchange notes. Thanks Everton.
After Everton took his leave, I had of write to staff about the very real prospect of redundancies informing them we were entering a formal consultation period. I ended writing: Of course I regret that this need has arisen. I will ensure that the process is as transparent as possible and that we do all we can to support people through this difficult process.
Later on still, I met with WBC people to explore options around the Holywell Community Centre, where I had suggested that maybe two or three of the seven football fields could be converted to some sort of urban meadow in order to attract more visitors to the Holywell Community Centre. This afternoon I discovered that a draft open spaces strategy has designated Holywell as a future base for more football and that all seven fields will be in use. At least on Sunday mornings. Maybe. I am not sure where this leaves our possible relocation to the Holywell Community Centre. It is difficult to argue against physical exercise per se and it would be churlish not to consider all options. But the future of the park and the community centre need to be considered together and I am disappointed that this opportunity has been lost.
I arrived home rather frazzled, but looking forward to the weekend.