Wednesday, 17 December 2008

I had expected to meet this morning with someone from Out and About – a charity that is starting to work in Watford – but no-one materialised and I was too busy with other things to enquire further.

I had a brief meeting with staff on the Herts BME Advocacy service, then met with Messers Khan and Azam from the Muslim Welfare Association, and then put in a brief appearance at the Disability Forum’s Christmas lunch. Then I met with Syed Ahmed, our Community Accountant.

This was officially Maria's last day in the office before she uses up her leave and then goes on maternity leave; I try not to acknowledge this fact for fear I will become maudlin.

In the evening, all WCVS staff met for an evening meal at the local Tapas bar. It is very difficult to get these things absolutely right. I don’t want to sound like an old curmudgeon but the lighting was poor and there was a lot of noise so I spent most of the evening peering through the gloom and straining to hear people. Our vegetarian, Muslim and Hindu colleagues struggled to find anything to eat. And it was all very crowded. Next year, I think we will have our annual dinner earlier (perhaps at Eid or Divali or Hanukkah) and in a well-lit Indian or Asian restaurant with vegetarian options. But as I say I don’t want to sound grumpy.