Thursday, 1 January 2009

Today is the official launch of the Government's Change 4 Life initiative: eat well, move more, live longer. I have received personal (although unsolicited) e-mails on this from that nice Mr Alan Johnson at the Department of Health.

January will certainly be an extremely busy month for me: I have a large consultancy project to complete for the PCT, annual reviews to complete with staff, a community festival to help organise, three consultancies to co-ordinate around our possible relocation, a Community Development Strategy to re-write, a Trustees meeting to organise and new staff arrangements to oversee. I would love to "move more" get a start on some of the work I need to do.

But I have spent weeks trying to shake off a cold and I still don't feel particularly well. Should I spend my final few days of leave getting a head start on the work or ignoring everything and catching up on some much-needed R&R? I simply daren’t risk any unplanned absences from work so I plan to devote the next few days relaxing and sleeping as much as possible.