I have now received polite “thanks but no thanks” letters from two of the local firms invited to nominate someone to the new Watford Community Fund – some firms are clearly just too busy surviving the great “credit crunch”.
I met with two member groups about the new website. In the early evening, there was a meeting of the Watford One World forum to finalise arrangements for a steering group to consider the forum’s future activities: there are some exciting possibilities.
I also (at last!) sent out invitations to our 29 October conference in Stevenage: Creating the environment for a thriving third sector in Hertfordshire.
About 8:00 pm I left for home. By this time, Vanessa (our Training and Development Officer) and Pam (our Chair of Trustees) were hosting the launch of Watford’s Charity Trustees Network. I would like to have been present for the launch, but there are few people I trust more than Vanessa and Pam and with forty trustees booked to attend it is difficult to see what I could have added to the evening.