Thursday, 28 August 2008

I went to the Cover offices at Great Chesterton for a meeting of Trustees Together – the regional grouping looking at the needs of trustees. As our Trustee Network is scheduled for launch on 2 October, this was very timely.

On the return journey I dropped by at County Hall to meet with Andrew Burt to move toward finalising arrangements for the 29 October conference on LAA2, NI7, Compact, Partnership and Public Law. For those that don’t speak local government jargon, this is a conference about Local Area Agreements (the strategic plans for each local authority area). The Hertfordshire LAA incorporates National Indicator 7 (“creating an environment for a thriving third sector”). The Hertfordshire Compact Working Group (of which I am co-chair, with the lovely Jacquie Hime) sees this as a great opportunity to reinvigorate the Compact agenda, building effective partnerships between the statutory and voluntary sectors. And it seems sensible for this opportunity to also incorporate a better understanding of Public Law.

The plans are progressing a little too slowly for my liking, but they will doubtless come together soon.