I have received an e-mail back from Social Enterprise East of England declining our membership application as a social enterprise. I was rather taken aback by this. Surely we’re a social enterprise! Aren’t we? Apparently not.
Recent reading (I know you’re interested)
I read E O Wilson’s Consilience: the Unity of Knowledge - a fascinating history and review of the gradual convergence of scientific knowledge. Then F Spencer Chapman’s Memoirs of a Mountaineer comprising Helvellyn to Himalaya and Lhasa: The Holy City – an account of Britain’s 1937 mission to Tibet. I then read a collection of poetry to confirm that in this field my tastes are distinctly “low brow” - Shakespeare, Blake and Matthew Arnold are a bit of a struggle but I love Kipling, Edward Lear and WS Gilbert.
Jackie discussed BBC's Springwatch at work and one of her colleagues observed: “I know about Ospreys: my friend had a field of cows and replaced them all with a flock of Ospreys.” We think she meant Ostriches.