The bright sun soon burnt off this morning’s low cloud and we had a beautifully hot day. Jackie and I went straight out to the garden as we had chosen today to build our chicken run. It was hot work. But at the end of the day we have a fully functioning chicken run measuring 2m by 1.2m and 60 cms high - luxury for two little chickens I should think.
We finished in time to enjoy a great meal together as the sun went down.
But the day had a sting in the tail. Yesterday, I started reading The Tulip by Anna Pavord and today (on about page 35 or so) I was ambushed by a whole page written in French with no translation offered whatsoever. Obviously in the author’s world, it is impossible to understand English without also understanding French. For myself, I lost all trust in the book: how can I trust her not to insert a chapter written in classical Greek? or Serbo-Croat? or that strange whistling language spoken by the Clangers? Interested as I am in the history of the Tulip, it is a risk I can’t take. My interest in The Tulip has evaporated and I feel betrayed and used. Thanks Anna.