This morning I met with the delightful Sarah Pinnock of Watford Borough Council. We had a vast amount to catch up on including the future funding of certain groups, the future of Watford’s Community Centres, the Community Development Network, WCVS’s accommodation, Watford Compact, Community buildings, Grassroots Grants, our ICT project and quality assurance strategies. It was a fairly intense two hours, but thoroughly worthwhile.
I later had a meeting with Louise Jones of Connexions on our Aim Higher contract.
But most of the day, and into the evening, I spent catching up on e-mails. Does this technology really offer a more efficient way of working? It strikes me that communication is sometimes a bit too easy and that people will sometimes communicate things that are best kept to themselves. Even after screening my e-mail, I still had nearly 100 e-mails that needed a response from me. By 10:00 pm I had reduced this to about 20 outstanding e-mails.