This was my last day in the office before heading off for the annual NAVCA Chief Officers’ Residential Event at Buxton.
I spent most of the morning talking with Hema Devlukia about our BME Advocacy Service. At 2:00 pm I went to the local Police Station for a meeting of the “Strategic Board” of the local Sunflower Centre. Having spent two years gradually getting to grips with the voluntary sector, newly proposed county-wide DV structures seem to completely exclude voluntary representation. Some mistake surely?
I will of course be accompanied to Buxton by Jackie – I wouldn’t want to be apart from her for a whole night, never mind two. I notice that the Institute of Fundraising has a National Convention and that the NCVO has an Annual Gathering. Yet we in the CVSs have to make do with a mere "event" that barely merits a capital e. Ho hum.