I arrived at work a little early to catch up on things. After last week’s various meetings, I had prepared a few e-mails over the weekend and soon dispatched these. Later I spoke with three different photocopier salesmen. With all due respect to photocopier salesmen everywhere, I always find this one of the most soul-destroying jobs imaginable; consequently I always treat these people with great gentleness and sympathy, as if they’d recently lost a close relative.
Vanessa (our Development and Training Officer) hosted a meeting to launch our 2007-08 training programme, and I met with Anne (our Funding Advisor), and Maria on our forthcoming networking lunches, wrote the introduction for our Community Directory and did some work on the HIC project specifications.
Watford CVS is leading on the design of two projects. One project is “to create a sustainable infrastructure to identify and meet the training needs of 3rd sector organisations in Hertfordshire” and the other is to work up a strategy for delivering IT infrastructure to voluntary groups in Herts. Also, I am contributing to the overall Infrastructure Development Strategy. And all three documents need to be completed by 16 November.
So I first need to complete the Value and Volumes study and the Community Directory. With the Community Directory nearly done, I decided at 6:00 pm that I would go home and do some work there on the V&V study.
As soon as I pulled up at my house, I realised that I had left my memory stick at the office with all my work on. Are they called memory sticks because they are so easily forgotten? Instead, Jackie and I had a quiet evening together, and I resolved to get to work early on Tuesday and to finally complete the V&V report.