Monday. 29 October 2007

I attended a meeting at COVER in Great Chesterford for those people in the Eastern Region who are working to produce infrastructure development plans. After the last such meeting, I was confident that the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Consortium was streets ahead of its neighbours. Now I am not so sure as others seem also to be making solid progress.

Richard Weller was present from Capacitybuilders and his key messages were that we have to meet the 31 December deadline, that we have to demonstrate stakeholder engagement in the creation of development plans, and we must move toward some objective measurement of our impact.

I shared with people my plan for the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Consortium to be re-launched as Supporting Hertfordshire’s Independent Third Sector. That would keep me amused for hours.

On my way back, I dropped in to see Jacquie Hime and Steph Gallagher at North Herts CVS to discuss Richard Weller’s key messages and some good ideas reported from elsewhere in the East of England Region.

I arrived home late in the afternoon and spent a few hours writing strategies and project plans. By Christmas, I have to draft Watford strategies on accommodation and on community development, and I need to complete Hertfordshire-wide project specifications on ICT and VCS Training, and I need to work with Jacquie and Steph to complete an overall infrastructure development plan for Hertfordshire. My own carelessness I suppose.