Friday, 3 April 2009

This morning, I attended the second meeting of the Community Cohesion Strategy Group. After my posting of yesterday, it was almost inevitable that HCC’s Andrew Burt would be unable to attend this meeting due to car trouble. Having had a van-load of car trouble myself, I of course sympathise hugely and Karen and Vicky Griffiths managed the meeting very well in Andrew’s absence.

There were was widespread concern at the meeting over HCC’s handling of arrangements to set up an Equalities Council in Hertfordshire. To date, there has been little consultation and even less communication and (with no open process at all) a contract has been agreed with CDA for Herts to deliver some initial work. At the meeting, we were advised that CDA for Herts were seen as “the natural lead” for this work. Amongst others, I contested this assertion. And I also defended CDA for Herts from criticism: they certainly cannot be held responsible for HCC’s failure to be transparent and accountable.