I worked home all day, enduing many frustrating IT problems. In the afternoon I drove into Watford to attend a small event to mark Emma Gadsby’s departure for somewhere with the unlikely name of East Northamptonshire. Emma has been Watford’s Performance Improvement Officer ever since I started at Watford CVS - I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her and could not let her leave without saying my farewells.
In the evening, Jackie and I again returned to our folk dancing. Our normal “caller” understands that Jackie and I are new-comers and he nurses us through things, but Terry is still recovering from radiotherapy and the substitute caller from Stevenage was unprepared for the problems that can be caused by inexperienced and ill-disciplined dancers. On one particular dance, we wrought such complete chaos that it was a miracle no-one was injured. Jackie and I retired in hysterics with our Welwyn colleagues smiling patiently but I fear our visitor from Stevenage may have found us insufficiently reverential.