Before my evening trustees’ meeting, I had some other interesting meetings. First, I finally met with Carina Page to talk about how the Community Sports Partnership can make use of, then I met with people from the Ratala Welfare Organization to hear about their work supporting this area of North West Pakistan, and finally I met with people from the THITA translation service to discuss their plans for the future.
The trustees’ meeting went very well. Most of the papers were tabled on the evening but everyone was very kind and forgiving and we had some very good discussions – particularly on our possible move to the Holywell Community Centre. As ever, my Chair Pam delivered a masterclass on how meetings can be open, deliberative, calm, purposeful, democratic - and still finish on schedule.
After the trustees’ meeting, I stayed late at the office preparing a report on the work of our Youth Connexions workers. A very pleasing day’s work.