I endured a horrible journey to work and after nearly two hours’ driving I arrived to discover that we had five members of staff absent with various ailments and emergencies. Normally, we enjoy an excellent absence record – but clearly not today. I had hoped to get some urgent mails out of the way ahead of my morning meeting. But by the time I had sorted out other people’s calendars, etc I was under-prepared and a little late for WCVS's annual monitoring meeting with Susan Street of HCC.
With this project we are delivering on our targets and everything seems to be going well - but the financial environment is not so good (you may have noticed) and nothing can be taken for granted. The monitoring meeting overran (we started a bit late and we also had to talk about the Herts Compact and so on).
I emerged from the meeting to find one or two minor domestic crises awaiting and suddenly my day was in turmoil and to get things back on track I took the last-minute decision not to attend the Watford Learning Partnership meeting.