Friday, 4 July 2008

This morning I had my third meeting in two days about the new BME Advocacy Service. And for the second time the attendance was disappointing (several HCC people thought the meeting was to be held in Wheathampstead rather than Watford). We carried on regardless and made some excellent progress: but the top priority is to increase our case load.

Today, I circulated our draft 2007-08 accounts. As ever, our auditors have done a splendid job. Maria has also done brilliantly and it is good to have John Casstles on board as our Treasurer. In fact everything has gone very smoothly - except for one embarrassing oversight of mine on which my lips are sealed.

I today agreed with Andrea Allez from NAVCA that her quality “audit” visit to us will take place on 29 August. We still have a little more work to do!