St Valentine’s Day
No-one has ever satisfactorily explained why St Valentine should be associated with lovers. Personally I suspect the sinister hand of the Greetings Card industry so to spite them Jackie and I didn't exchange cards, but kisses and small boxes of luxury chocolates. A lovely start to the day.
Vanessa and I were back at the NCVO in the parallel World of Training having our final assessment as PQASSO mentors. Along with five other pairings on the course we had to deliver a short presentation on a particular aspect of PQASSO. I think we did well enough and now we wait with bated breath for our PQASSO Mentor licences.
Reflections for 2008-09
This day brought home to me how much effort WCVS has put into its preparations for 2008-09. We have planned, we have secured funding, trained, reorganised, upgraded our network, secured quality assurance accreditations etc etc etc. There are still a few outstanding tasks: we need to introduce our new contacts management system and complete our NAVCA quality award and finish a few missing strategies and policies.
But we now need to focus on 2008-09 as a Year of Delivery when we devote our energies to engaging with local voluntary groups and ensuring they receive the support they need.