Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Today is my one clear day this week. I reckoned that if I shut my office door and focused 100% on essential work, I could leave around 10:00 pm having made significant in-roads into my list of outstanding tasks.

But, as someone said (PG Wodehouse?) fate waits around every corner with a sock of wet sand.

Maria couldn’t work because there was a conflict between Quick Books and her new Windows Vista PC. This took an hour or two to resolve – as with all such things it’s simple when you know how.

Farzana’s laptop then crashed completely. An hour later I concluded it was the motherboard. Two hours later I had sourced and ordered a new motherboard. And the volunteer’s PCs needed V-base installed and printers installed.

And other things drifted in to obliterate the remainder of the day. It was 6:00 pm before I could finally settle down and focus on ticking off some tasks of my own.

By 1:00 in the morning I had ticked off several important jobs: our latest response to the Big Lottery, orchestrating shortlisting for our BME Advocacy post, drafting Herts CVS minutes, making nominations for the 2008 Audentior Awards.

Now I need to sleep. Tomorrow and Friday should be shorter days.