Friday, 27 July 2007

I left home at 4:00 am to take Bobby to Gatwick for his flight to America and arrived at the office about 7:00 am.

I had hoped that during the day I would catch up with e-mails, start testing Microsoft’s CRM software, and “clear the decks” so that next week I can focus fully on addressing our audit and preparing our Annual Report.

Sadly, there was a problem getting CRM software installed on our network with the software saying it could not instal because Outlook is not installed. Outlook is plainly installed and functioning on my PC, and I patiently explained this to CRM. I uninstalled and reinstalled Outlook. I reinstalled Outlook in different ways and to different directories. But still CRM insisted that Outlook is not installed. I left our IT chap to have a look but he had no luck either.

Meanwhile, I started tackling the 82 tasks or e-mails with little red flags. I eventually left the office about 6:00 pm having achieved little of what I’d hoped.