Thursday, 17 May 2007

This morning, I was at a Herts CVS meeting in St Albans to discuss the Herts CVS Strategic Plan. I think we managed to turn a potential rout into, not perhaps a triumph but at least a minor victory. More work is of course needed, but I do feel that the end is now in sight – largely thanks to the efforts of several of my colleagues (thanks Ann, Robin, Laura and Ian) and doubtless others whose contributions I am less familiar with.

In the afternoon, Jacquie Hime and I drove to Hitchin to discuss the strategic plan for the Herts Infrastructure Consortium. During the journey north we saw a beautiful roe deer cross the road before us. We also managed very expeditious discussions on Herts Compact, IT and the future of Volbase. Once at Hitchin, we were joined by Steph and talked through the requirements and vision of Capacitybuilders. After two or three months of apparent upheaval, things are beginning to fall into place a little.

I arrived home in time to enjoy a few hours with Jackie and grand-daughter Bethany.