Wednesday, 28 March 2007

This morning began with a brief survey of my e-mail in-box, which contains dozens of un-read e-mails and there are dozens of red flags indicating that mails need answers: if I half close my eyes, my screen looks like it has measles.

But at 10:00 we started our staff meeting. And there was so much to discuss: changes in staffing, major project initiatives, accommodation issues, security, quality assurance standards (we are now tackling both IiP and NAVCA standards), new systems, training programmes, sick leave.

There were good constructive discussions around all these issues. We had one comfort break and finished at 1:00 to take Sue Tilbury out to “143” for her leaving lunch, during which Farzana and I discussed our reading habits. After lunch I had further meetings with colleagues, and then managed to respond to half a dozen of the more urgent e-mails before leaving the office at about 7:00.

In the evening, I read through the Quality Mark pack sent us by NAVCA. This was reassuringly straight-forward and simple. And then Jackie and I enjoyed a crossword together.