Monday, 18 December 2006

Today began with a pleasant meeting with a lawyer willing to undertake occasional voluntary work supporting local charities. She is Australian, but very restrained about the latest English Ashes fiasco.

Also in the morning, I spent three hours with Len Simkins, our Investors in People mentor. We talked through the programme of activities WCVS needs to undertake in order to gain IiP accreditation. Under the funding programme, our IiP application needs to be submitted by the end of June 2007. There’s a lot of work to do, but most of it we would need to undertake in any event. Len was very helpful and we agreed on the timetable of activities.

Most of the afternoon, I spent arranging staff review meetings for early January and arranging a programme of work with Angelo for over Christmas.

In the evening, I enjoyed the concluding part of The Hogfather on television (possibly the first programme I have ever watched on Sky Television) and then dispatched a Daily Telegraph crossword ably assisted by the ever delightful Jackie.